Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Kaicho Wa Maid-sama EP10
Alright so I love the pig tail girl shes pretty cute. Too bad in this episode it is all about her getting used and abused. Sakura finally gets to meet with the band that she really idolizes.
The group apparently pick girls at random and basically just do it as a fan service thing. Sakura truly likes the band but the lead vocalist pays little attention to her and instead finds all of his focus on Misaki. The guy constnatly puts Sakura in a position where she has to get Misakit o do something for the guy and slowly becomes hurt over it. Misaki tries her hardest to get them to recognize Sakura but they never do.

Uhh and randomly Usui decides to steal someones work uniform from the trio that used to raid Misaki's work all the time. As of why, I don't really get it. I guess Usui really is just a stalker of sorts.Usui in the end was just waiting for Misaki to be free and wanted to spend time with her at the end.
Final Remarks:
The episode seemed to be all about finding out that "one" person you need in your life.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Arakawa Under the Bridge EP07
Recruit started a school under the bridge. He goes through some difficulties getting the kids to listen but manages to do so. However, he does encounter another problem.

The lovely Miss Stella is pretty much terrorizing the school. Recruit tries to get her involved in school and manages to do so. Her view on reality is slightly warped and seemst o view it very much so from a military perspective. The very first thing she writes down is world domination. At least her vocabulary is pretty good. Recruit is pretty paranoid of Stella because he believes that she really hates it, but when Sister comes in and asks her she seems to really enjoy it.
P-ko is in the last part of the episode. Looks like she is getting ready to leave because of winter and has to harvest as many things before she leaves. She's aiming to get a drivers license and study, but Recruit sees the problem with her trying to learn how to drive. Her being a natural disaster could only mean the death for many if she gets behind the wheel of a car. Recruit also discovers why P-Ko likes the mayor. She just really likes people who live a life that is honest to who they are.
I kind of felt Stella had some importance in the theme for this episode. She really didn't like how the school took away two of her friends during the day and rather than joining it she wanted to destroy the school. Very interesting. When she does join the school she tried very hard to make it seem that she didn't like it, but she actually did. I'm guessing the theme has to do with try something before you judge it.
Final Remarks:
B Gata H Kei EP09
What happened?
Yamada is now exploring her love for Kasuda. She isn't quite sure what her true feelings are and continues to give him the cold shoulder.
Can't quite remember what happened here, but I think Kyouka somehow felt she was defeated by Yamada again.
Takeshita persuades Yamada to apologize to Kasuda. Yamada doesn't really want to, but she decides to do it anyways.
Later on, Kasuda and Yamada end up in a room by themselves. Yamada tells Kasuda that she doesn't hate him, so that means Kasuda is game for getting with Yamada.

School festival time! Yamda and Kyouka compete at all sorts of crap. The girls also rock some cheerleader outfits.
Also, what is this!? Kyouka's brother finally makes an appearance! Turns out Kyouka's brother wants to make Yamada his and that is where we are left off with.
Final Remarks:
I actually really enjoy how Kasuda and Yamada are progressing in the story. Also the loli in this series is so cute. I approve of her.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Mayoi Neko Overrun! EP08
What happened?
A pretty amusing episode filled with cosplay and jenga. The group are testing out a new game for Chise's company. Basically, it is a jenga but with little tasks the person has to do on each block. Pretty neat.
I didn't want to flood the blog with random cosplay pictures, so I just took my favorite one. How can I go wrong with mistress Nanoha!?
Chise and the guy in the glasses are working together to defeat the rest of the group. Chise apparently is told the structural integrity of the pieces and the guy in the glasses is the one who tells her via hand-signs. I laughed pretty hard at the idea of rigging jenga.Chise and the glasses guy are put into a situation where only so many of the pieces are safe and one of them has to lose. Chise threatened the glasses guy, but he doesn't give in and decides to win it for himself. However, he still fails to win and Chise gives him quite the intimidating smirk.

Nozomi caught onto the cheating and Kaho conquered Chise's jenga cheating headquarters. After some pretty pervy cosplays the game nears its end as Fumino tries to remove a piece asking the player to kiss a person of the opposite sex. The conundrum is that there is only one male at the table and everyone is determined to win. However the three girls knock over the tower trying to prevent that piece from being removed.
Last Remarks:
The episode very enjoyable and I thought the amount of fanservice was just enough to make it not get old. Mistress Nanoha is too powerful.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Kaicho Wa Maid-sama EP08
What happened?
Misa got offered to transfer to that rich person's school. For the first half of the episode, Misa is contemplating if she should accept the offer. She also has to take into consideration that it not just affects her, but also her sister. As she cruises through the city, she realizes just how many people need/want her at the school.
Misa got offered to transfer to that rich person's school. For the first half of the episode, Misa is contemplating if she should accept the offer. She also has to take into consideration that it not just affects her, but also her sister. As she cruises through the city, she realizes just how many people need/want her at the school.
Eventually she ends up going to the school. She ends up in quite the situation when her clothes get stained and she shows on site. Her school uniform goes missing and she ends up having to wear a more erotic version of her maid uniform.
Okay, I forgot the guy's name. I think it is Tora. Tora pretty much tries to seduce/rape
Misa. Misa tells him how weak and worthless he is as a character, but don't care he going to tap that Misa ass- Until Misa calls in Usui assist.
Usui shortly bursts through the door and is about to take Misa away when Misa exclaims how she came to this school to tell how she is staying with her current school.
Uhhh, I guess don't fix what ain't broke. Misa already had a bunch of good things going on with her and she chose to stay with what she likes. Of course, she was about to get raped so it is pretty easy to declare that AFTER that situation.
Final Remarks:
Misa in a towel is pretty hot.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
B Gata H Kei EP08
Yamada once again has another chance of shagging Kasuda. This time it is on a 4 trip in Kyoto. As usual Yamada is quite determined to get into his pants.
Yamada is filled with all sorts of perverted thoughts and gets all excited when it is night because she is hoping for a very steamy conversation between the girls and guys aabout naughty things. Takeshita is pretty much setup by Yamada in spilling the story about how she lost her virginity, sadly we never find out how because of the teacher bursting into the room.
So this scene had me laughing pretty hard. To all of these monks seeking enlightenment, Yamada's determination to have lots of sex is recognized as being in the final stages of enlightenment.
For the whole trip it was incredibly difficult for the two of them to be together and yet when it does, things don't go so hot. Kasuda wants to confess his love to her and Yamada just wants to shag him and the two interests are about to crash.
Kasuda Finally manages to confess to Yaamda, but it seems Yamada doesn't really know where her feelings are for Kasuda.
Kasuda tries desperately to get a response from Yamada, however Yamada just keeps giving him the cold shoulder.
I found it interesting in how Yamada reacted to Kasuda's love confession because she seriously just wants his penis and him wanting to love her seems to through her off quite a bit. I can't get over how she is the one acting like the douche when her motives are the ones that are the most impure.
Last Remarks:
I'm glad he confessed, dunno what will happen next.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Arakawa Under the Bridge EP06
So Rec and Hoshi have their epic concert to determine who was qualified to love Nino. Rec pretty decimates poor Hoshi. Hoshi mentally breaks down from the defeat.
Later on, we discover the twins are trying to learn how to swim. Nino, as their instructor, seems to be quite the odd teacher. She doesn't offer any real directions, so Rec steps in and does his best. Realizing that the two won't swim with their iron helemets, Rec gives them Styrofoam to swim with. The kids were impressed by his directions and Rec seems to think he enjoys teaching.
While walking, Rec sees the twins managing the barrel. He finds the mayor is inside and the mayor and the twins all have colds. So, he helps them by explaining how and what they should do to make it go away as quickly as possible.
Well, I think we all can recall the situation where we are stuck working in a place that we don't want to be. But, we'll stick it out if the pay is good. Rec kind of seems to realize that dilemma. His idea of work is someone who breaks their back to get the job done no matter how miserable it is. So when he realizes he could find something he enjoys as a job he was a bit taken back. Pretty neat.
Last Remarks:
Nino in a school swimsuit S+
Kaicho Wa Maid-sama EP07
What happened?
I really don't remember seeing as how I saw this episode like a week or so ago. So, I'm going to wing it and go with what the screenshots I took.
Well, in the last episode there was some kissing and some love confessing. Misa is still denying Usui's love.
Misa encounters some people from her school. These people punched a student from another school. The refuse to give an apology to the other student, so Misa decides to lay down the law.
Misa decides it is best if they all go to the school that the victim attends. Turns out the guy is actually quite the douche. Misa refuses to have her classmates apologize. The student guy decides they will put the apology on the line by making it over a game of chess. Usui wins.
I can't remember what the hell happened here but it is a silly picture. Anyhoo, the president of the other school wants to make Misa his. The president is a womanizer and tries to recruit her to his school by promising an "all expenses paid" deal for her.
Last Remarks:
The preview for the next episode looked delicious. Nudie Misa is strong.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
B Gata H Kei EP07
What happened?
Yamada realizes everyone has some special trait and wants to discover what kind she has.Yamada discovers that swimming is beginning in P.E. She takes this opportunity to challenge Kanejou in looks and in swimming. Yamada uses some underhanded tactics and still loses to Kanejou.
Yamada decides to train herself so she can defeat Kanejou. She also realizes that it is summer and Kasuda has a very busy schedule. So, Yamada destined to spend the summer with out Kasuda starts to think Kasuda is going to cheat on her.
Turns out Kasuda's family and Mayu's family went on a family trip. Yamada finds out and decides to embark on the long journey to the camp on foot.
Yamada manages to hitch hike her way to the camp, however the people want her to participate in a very violent game of air soft madness.
Yamada walks to the camp where she confronts of Kasuda. Kasuda, just before, was with Mayu. Yamada obviously saw this as an act of betrayal. But Kasuda explains he was just talking to her and was taking pictures for Yamada's sake.
Uhhh, to have Yamada with a machine gun? I don't really know. The first part seemed to be about finding out what your quality is. Obviously Yamada doesn't have any good qualities since she's completely immoral. But, when she challenged Kanejou she realized she needs to make herself better by training herself.
Last remarks:
Yamada with a machine gun is too good.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mayoi Neko Overrun! EP06
What happened?
Chise and her club want to spread their fame. However, in order to spread fame they first need to have fame to begin with! What the club decides to do is make a video. The girls are more or less the stars and the guys end up with the slave jobs.
Ieyasu drags the girls all over the place to film action shots to "capture the mood". They go all over the world; Chise vacates everyone out of a city so they can do their shot, They go to the worlds largest basin, Egypt, and even some snow covered mountains.
Chise and her club want to spread their fame. However, in order to spread fame they first need to have fame to begin with! What the club decides to do is make a video. The girls are more or less the stars and the guys end up with the slave jobs.
Ieyasu drags the girls all over the place to film action shots to "capture the mood". They go all over the world; Chise vacates everyone out of a city so they can do their shot, They go to the worlds largest basin, Egypt, and even some snow covered mountains.
The girls also had to work on the music for their video. Chise and Fumino originally didn't like each others work, so the two of them end up fusing their works together thanks to Nozomi.
After everything is done Ieyasu uploads the video and they discover they already had 1 million views. However... the footage used...
Lots of panty shots.
Last remarks:
For some strange reason I found myself pretty captivated with the episode. I can't really explain it. The pace of the episode was top notch and all the characters seem to hit the right notes. But, wow... I really felt this episode.
Kaicho Wa Maid-sama EP06
What happened?
I think I only took 5 screenshots during this episode and I think a few of them were just because they were cute. I typically try to get the main idea, but damn this episode seriously nothing happen until the very end of the episode.
The episode starts off with five twins following Misa around because they believe she is the perfect being and they want to learn from her.
Everyday after school, the five are determined to see where Misa works, but Misa always manages to avoid them. One day after school, Misa meets the usuals at work; they want to challenge her so they can have a picture taken with her. However, Misa doesn't want to have any evidence of her working as a maid, so she mastered all of the games so she won't lose. Usui is the only one to have beat her and have a picture taken with her.
That picture is kind of not important but continuing on. She really does enjoy the company of the five students following her and is direly afraid of crushing their image of her.
Misa eventually realizes she should tell the truth to the twins. Usui flaunts off his picture and Misa attacks him to get it back, but the picture ends up flying away. Misa wanted to tell the twins, rather than have the twins find out by seeing a picture.
Usui tells her he will go get it and prepares to jump off the roof. He gives her a big kiss and confesses his love to her. Misa, probably instilled with a bajillion emotions, does the only logical thing she can she runs down panicking over the safety of Usui. He finds Usui is relatively unharmed but still ends up going to the hospital.
I think it falls along the lines of being true to yourself and true to others. Misa realized the importance of this when she was talking to her sister. Her sister always does embarrassing things, but she doesn't care. So, as the story progressed Misa just really had to be more honest with herself and let people realize who she is. What is funny is... she still hides the fact she's a maid from everyone.
Final Remarks:
Even if Usui confessed or whatever, the end of the episode really seems to have reset that by having Misa just think he was being a pervert. I'll see what happens in the next episode!
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