What happened?
A pretty amusing episode filled with cosplay and jenga. The group are testing out a new game for Chise's company. Basically, it is a jenga but with little tasks the person has to do on each block. Pretty neat.
I didn't want to flood the blog with random cosplay pictures, so I just took my favorite one. How can I go wrong with mistress Nanoha!?
Chise and the guy in the glasses are working together to defeat the rest of the group. Chise apparently is told the structural integrity of the pieces and the guy in the glasses is the one who tells her via hand-signs. I laughed pretty hard at the idea of rigging jenga.Chise and the glasses guy are put into a situation where only so many of the pieces are safe and one of them has to lose. Chise threatened the glasses guy, but he doesn't give in and decides to win it for himself. However, he still fails to win and Chise gives him quite the intimidating smirk.

Nozomi caught onto the cheating and Kaho conquered Chise's jenga cheating headquarters. After some pretty pervy cosplays the game nears its end as Fumino tries to remove a piece asking the player to kiss a person of the opposite sex. The conundrum is that there is only one male at the table and everyone is determined to win. However the three girls knock over the tower trying to prevent that piece from being removed.
Last Remarks:
The episode very enjoyable and I thought the amount of fanservice was just enough to make it not get old. Mistress Nanoha is too powerful.