The group apparently pick girls at random and basically just do it as a fan service thing. Sakura truly likes the band but the lead vocalist pays little attention to her and instead finds all of his focus on Misaki. The guy constnatly puts Sakura in a position where she has to get Misakit o do something for the guy and slowly becomes hurt over it. Misaki tries her hardest to get them to recognize Sakura but they never do.

Uhh and randomly Usui decides to steal someones work uniform from the trio that used to raid Misaki's work all the time. As of why, I don't really get it. I guess Usui really is just a stalker of sorts.Usui in the end was just waiting for Misaki to be free and wanted to spend time with her at the end.
Final Remarks:
The episode seemed to be all about finding out that "one" person you need in your life.