Monday, March 8, 2010

A Certain Scientific Railgun EP22

This episode was all right. I'm not losing interest in Railgun, but the episodes seem to be lacking some kind of spark that the earlier episodes had.

Rundown: So we were told the child error girl is trying to find her friend who is also a child error as well. And, so begins Judgements quest to find the lost child.

Uiharu and Kuroko are on bad grounds still. Uiharu knows they need her computer skills however, Uiharu feels a breach of trust from Kuroko. Kuroko is determined to find the child, however it means looking into everyones personal backgrounds and what not. Uiharu is strongly against that.

Figured I'd have a picture of the Railgun soaking it up in the tub.

Uiharu still visits her friend and also, dun dun dun, we discover Uiharu's power! Uiharu's power is the ability to keep things at a constant temperature. I think everyone thought it was something with computers but, wow... so lame of a power.

Uiharu is really angst towards herself because she is digging around in her friends personal life. She really is cold towards Kuroko and even towards her other friends.

No comment needed.

The Railgun girl goes to a lab she was informed of and discovers the doctor from the last arc. The doctor is trying to awaken the children but, if she does the children would react violently and could destroy the city because of their vast amounts of power.

The frog face doctor explains to the Railgun the origin of the child errors.

The Child Errors were actually created in hopes of creating a person with the 6th level of power. Currently the highest is 5 and I think there are only 2 or 3 of them in the city. One being the Railgun and the other being the guy who could change the vectors of things.

In order to save the children they need the "first sample" I guess you could see the child errors as bodies who are rejecting organs from other people, and instead need an exact body to work. So, hence the doctor is determined to find the "first sample"

The chick in charge of MARS ended up following the Railgun and goes to confiscate the children. The doctor is very much against it, but the Railgun stands up to her and says she isn't able to save the children.

Final Opinions: So every time I write about Railgun, I find my opinion of the episode always goes up just because Railgun does through out a crap ton of information at you. I am very curious to see how the doctor will react to the situation and I have a feeling the MARS girl is evil.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing anime post. I always love anime series as like Certain Scientific Railgun and I have just collected this beautiful anime series at PIJ. Its really fantastic to me as a real fan of this anime series.
