Huzzah, finally watched EP02 of Katanagatari and it is pulsr approved. I should make an awesome pulsr approved sticker, but that is for another day. So far Togame is steadily pulling me away from my beloved Nanoha-chan, but I actually discovered that Togame is the same voice actress as Nanoha. Pulsr approves of Togame in every regard now. The Rundown: It has been one month since Togame and Shichika(Yes! I know his name now) have acquired their first super sword and are sent off to obtain their second super katana. As the two travel, A lot of silly things occur in their travels that really depicts the characters personalities.
Togame is probably suffering from some deep emotional scarring. While she is easily the loudest, the way she reacts to Shichika really shows a certain frailty when it comes to her emotions. Whenever Togame is directly complimented she does hesitate slightly, but her actions afterward tend to show how her job is more important then what she really feels.
Shichika is easily described as a loss puppy. His character is more or less in a constant state of learning. But, he can still recognize foolish behavior especially when Togame is nominating "catch phrases" for him to use in battle. Shichika's personality does seem to be a bit of a lack luster, however he did you know, come from a damn isolated island.
Okay, so the story. They cross this area of land that went through desertification and most of the area is unpopulated except for a castle. In the castle the owner of the second katana resides. The katana is supposed to have the ability to cut through anything. They discover the owner keeps himself shelled up in a room and is incredibly dangerous when anyone actually steps foot into the room. Shichika considers his opponent to be his first actual adversary. Shichika suffers from a lack of combat experience and isn't sure if he should be using full force or not. Anyhoo, he does defeat the swordsman and the sword is acquired. Shichika refuses to actually see the blade of the 2nd sword because he was unable to "see it" in battle. A very strong indicator of his lack of knowledge in combat and respect for fighting.
Final Opinions: What can I say, I already pulsr approved this episode earlier. After writing about this episode, I've beginning to see how their is a bit of a darker undertone for this series. It is truly impressive because this anime is slightly different than most because the people they fight are actually dieing. So, I look forward to more episodes to see how the characters develop and I just really like Togame's legs.
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