Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Arakawa Under the Bridge EP03

What Happened?
Episode starts off with Recruit pondering about the existence of other people and how he would like to find that one person he can truly connect to. The next part is when he is talking about Nino sleep walks into his place and sleeps there. 

Hoshi sees Nino leaving and is very angry with recruit because Hoshi believes they are having an immoral relationship. Hoshi decides to have Sister bring recruit to the church to discuss the situation.
Sister acts as a lie detector and Hoshi is defeated because Recrui wasn't doing anything with Nino. However! Hoshi sees this as a chance to ask Nino on a date. Recruit decides to take the initiative and ask Nino out on a date.

Recruit, yet again, gets absorbed into himself and tries to impress Nino with materialistic items but, Nino doesn't seem to really care. Recruit realizes that his plan won't work and then comes to the conclusion that he should do something that Nino would want to do. Nino explains how she just wants to go to where the river meets the ocean. 

Recruit has Nino wear the dress that he had bought her for their date and Recruit really finds her to be beautiful and the episode ends.

Simple man, don't be a selfish goob. Recruit was really full of himself and wanted to believe he was the perfect guy but, he realized the way he acted wasn't perfect at all because he neglected to think about other peoples feelings. A simple theme but an important one.

Final Remarks:
A lot of nothing really happens. We do get to see Sugita portray his character quite well though. I mainly think the episode was just about introducing Hoshi has an opponent to Recruit and I believe Hoshi is quite the character for this series.

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