What happened?

Yamada pursues Kasuda because she wants to know what is really going on. Turns out Kasuda is just a part of the photography club. Kasuda, having some balls, invites Yamada with him to take pictures. Yamada gladly accepts in hopes they will be alone and she can deflower him.
Yamada doesn't seem to really find the scenary all that amazing but is strangely impressed with Kasuda's dedication. Kasuda tries to entertain Yamada but, Yamada gives Kasuda a bit of tsundere assault. However, I will give Yamada credit for trying to appreciate Kasuda's hobby. Yamada would make for a pretty good girlfriend if she wasn't a whore.
Kasuda invites Yamada to go to the dark room to get the pictures developed so he can show her. Yamada's motives aren't quite as pure seeing as how the moment the lights go off she undoes her shirt and bra.
Yamada, with newly found vigor, she gets ready to seduce Kasuda but, the moment she gets close she loses it and, to make matters worse, Kasuda's senpai shows up and luckily Kasuda tells his senpai not to turn on the lights because he is developing pictures. Yamada is saved from an embarassing moment, except for well the moment where she gets her boob fondled indirectly by Kasuda.
When Yamada goes to bed that night she discovers her boobs are surprisingly more sensitive than normal. Hence, she declares she leveled up and has gained booby sensitivity. She also gets very excited at the idea of being exploited by a man.
At school, she can't focus very well because she can't get the idea of her some being fondled by Kasuda. Yamada is getting her whore on pretty much. During this time, Yamada gets very jealous that Kasuda hasn't taken any pictures of her during the school festival and decides to go on a man hunt for him.
She fails to find him and ends up entering a beauty contest. Yamada wants to show off her value to Kasuda by winning the competition. They also introduce the new transfer student from America who almost defeats Yamada.
After she wins the beauty contest, Yamada really wants to dance with Kasuda. However, when Kasuda asks her if she'll dance with him, instead of saying yes, she tells him to wait in line. Sadly, the line was 40+ people and Kasuda waits patiently for his turn. Unluckily for him the music stops just as it is his turn. Yamada takes his hand anyways and dances with him.
Well, Yamada's motives are definitely still impure but, she might be taking too long trying to get into his pants because the longer she waits the more attached she'll get to him. If her goal is really 100 shag buddies she better realized she can't have too many lingering feelings for the people she wants to sex up.
Also, this episode really explores Yamada's sexual urges. The moment she was touched by Kasuda she couldn't get that image out of her head and definitely wanted some lusty lusty action.
Final Remarks:
Another enjoyable episode of B Gata H Kei. As usual the voice actors and actresses are amazing. The episode seems to hit at a lot of themes while maintaining a hilarious outlook on the things it is touching on. No matter how you look at it, it shouldn't be that amusing to have a girl try to make herself into a whore right?
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