What happened?
The episode is over a span of a few days so it was actually a bit of a busier episode. It starts off with the introduction of a new character Aoi-chan. Aoi-chan is a popular net idol and apparently isn't doing to well with her family. So Aoi-chan fled to Satsuki's cafe. Aoi-chan discovers Usui-kun and is immediately taken by Usui. Randomly, the evening staff of the cafe can't make it so, they enlist Usui to help be the chef (fairly random and I have no idea why this event happened)
The next day, Aoi-chan shows up again and is trying to seduce Usui. However, Usui does not give a damn about Aoi-chan. Aoi-chan tries to get Misa to explain how Misa has seduced Usui but, Misa explains that isn't the case. Aoi-chan tries to drive the point that Misa doesn't act like a girl nor does she dress girly enough. Misa doesn't seem to really mind but she begins to take notice of her style.
The next day, Aoi-chan chooses to be a bit forceful with Usui. Usui decides to really show Aoi-chan what is up and pins Aoi-chan down. Misa-chan happens to overhear the noise and comes in and gives Usui a mean punch to the face and then gives Aoi-chan a brutal slap.
Shortly after the slap we discover Aoi-chan is actually a boy (that is why I only used Aoi-chan :P) Anyways, Satsuki apologizes for not informing everyone that Aoi-chan was a boy. Misa and Usui seemed to have already known that Aoi-chan was a boy and weren't completel surprised by it. Aoi-chan explains how he has always been really into cute things but, has always been made fun of it for it. He really dislikes school because of the bullying he encounters. Misa scolds him for not trying to stand up for himself. Aoi-chan leaves that day exclaiming how he will seduce everyone there.
And the next day, Aoi-chan appears wearing his normal clothes and explains how he is going to school but was thrown out of home again. Aoi-chan encounters Misa and discovers she is still wearing the same boring clothes. He gets incredibly disturbed over this and drags Misa to the shopping district. Misa can't pass up anything cheap or free and this makes Aoi-chan very annoyed however, he begins to understand why she does the things she does.
The two of them talk a bit about their characters. Misa explains how she's a bit of a guy and has been scolded over it but she really does enjoy who she is. Aoi-chan seems to bond well with Misa. While they are bonding, a burglar appears but Misa saves the day. Misa closes the day off with how you should just stay with being yourself and Aoi-chan declares she won't accept Misa until she acts like a woman.
A few days later, Aoi-chan crafts Misa a lolita outfit. Misa feels incredibly uncomfortable in it but, everyone agrees that she looks great in it.
The theme for this episode seems to be pretty obvious. It is all about being who you are and not getting overtaken by what other people think. Misa demonstrates it pretty well when Aoi is determined to get Misa to buy some clothes but, Misa just isn't all that interested. Another simple theme but, important none the less.
Final Remarks:
I really liked this episode. It juggled the development of a new character while developing everyone else. Gotta admit the trap was pretty unexpected and the voice actress does an amazing job of utilizing both guy and girl tones. I approve.
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